Stories of Love - Day 3
by Heiress
Feb 11, 2010


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Today's Story:

"Ask any person on this earth and they will tell you that life can be quite difficult and unforgiving, but, we get through it and continue on. Certain folk have it harder than others, this is undeniable. This continuing thought went through her head every day at work. She worked two jobs, and he worked three. They rarely spent time with one another, but knew one day they would be able to save enough money in order to find a nice place, in a nice neighborhood. Who knows. Maybe they could have a child, as well. They never had much. Even their wedding was minuscule in comparison to the ones their friends had. But, they didn't mind. As the days passed they would continue to get by, if not with the little money they had, than with the immense love they shared for one another. "So long as I have you..." they would say to each other on those few nights where they arrived home at the same time. Over the years they never gave up, and eventually had enough to get that dream house of theirs...and in a few more months their will be a new baby boy as well."

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