Glacée Deux
by Digitalis
Nov 30, 2016


About this Style
Mostly avoided dark colors, aside from the eyes (probably should have used the Sacred Sands color instead of the Sacred Monochrome). Also goofed on Subeta and took off the blush before saving again, which I think sets the tone for the look. Hindsight is 20/20 right?

Again, thank you to Thomas for the Lunar Maille!

Tags: Admiral Blue Gilded Lipstick, Benevolent Swishy Cloak, Blush Applicator, Delish Capre, Hoarfrosts Breastplate, Lunar Maille Headdress, Pale Rosea Drape, Pale Sackcloth (Left Arm), Pale Sackcloth Bodice, Pearly Partycrasher Stockings, Professor New Surf Powder, Sacred Monochrome Cosmic Palette, Snowfall Discarded Heel, stimulate