Reinventing the Wheel
by Ian
Jan 27, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
My Sid-tar.
I know, Sid! I said I would change it and tweak it and not use it but idk. I thought it was cute and Kitty and Dylan talked me out of not scrapping it. ilythough

Tags: 2010, Ankle Wraps, Bare Arms, Beads, Black, Blouse, Burgundy, Calaca Groom, CHIC, Chicbot, Classy, Corset, Cosplay, Dirndl, Elegant, Female, Flashback Material Girl, January 2010, Lipstick, Maid, Mariachi Ankle Boots, Necklaces, Pink, Rainyday, Rainyday Desert Rose, Sheer, Simple, Skirt, White, Wig