Shants on the Ground
by kurloz
Jan 26, 2010


About this Style
Shants on the ground,
Shants on the ground,
Lookin' like a fool with your shants on the ground!

With the gold in your mouth,
Hat turned sideways,
Shants hit the ground,
Call yourself a cool cat,
Lookin' like a fool,
Walkin' downtown with your shants on the ground!

Get it up, hey!
Get your shants off the ground,
Lookin' like a fool,
Walkin' talkin' with your shants on the ground.

Get it up, hey!
Get your shants off the ground,
Lookin' like a fool with your shants on the ground!


Tags: 2010, abetting, black, enabling, gray, green, grey, inclover elegrace, inexplicable lightning bolt, jabot, January 2010, leg warmers, lightning bolt, lililace allclassedup, lililace allclassedup head bow, lime green, loosely tied mousy hair, miss nanny, miss nanny mirror compact, NYR, rehab, shants, showbunny, showbunny double lip gloss, silver, SR, sweet lolita, uneven green leg warmers, uneven leg warmers, white, wig