Creature of Light
by kink
Dec 27, 2015


About this Style
I wasn't sure if I prefer this one with or without the backdrop, because it does look fine without it... but there's a "story purpose" behind it, as I ended up imagining this character who draws their power from light, which means everything turns dark around them if they stay in the same place long enough.

Then one day they're approached by this light creature, and they feel bad over the idea of drawing its life force from it, so they try to chase it away but it insists on staying so they're like "Yeah okay."

Tags: blue, dark, Delish, Delish Ohh, Delish Ohh Theatrical Smudgestick, Delish Vir, Delish Vir Top, Fallen Stalactite, Fruity Breathmints, gold, light, Marez Jahira Moon Pendant, muscle tonic, Shaman, Shaman Tribal Face Paint, Shaman Wolf Pelt, Vanity, Vanity Fey Stockings, white, White Goats Hoof, yellow, zapper skin