Theme Supreme #2
by Who
Nov 22, 2015


About this Style
In this round, you are required to base your HA around the following theme: Pumpkin Spice (up to your interpretation)

Never had Pumpkin Spice, this is such an American trend, it's just slowly making its way to Europe but I haven't tried it yet :O

Tags: Autumnal Twigs and Berries, Basic Dark Brown Flats, Basic Flats, Body Henna Kit, Breezy Orange Coverup, Burnished Smoky Quartz Flask, CHIC 2015, custom wearable, Delish Lee, Delish Lee Evening Dress, Delish Mocha Lipstick, Espresso Wavy Hair Extensions, Gold Silken Obi, hair layering, Henna, Maids Lipstick, Orange Ornamented Skirt, Subeta hates the hair salon, Theme Supreme, Vintage Eyeliner