Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
by shaybaby
Oct 15, 2015


About this Style
Not my best work, but I wanted to get it uploaded by the end of the day.

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month (as well as breast cancer awareness month). October 15 especially is a day set aside to light a candle and remember the tiny angels gone far too soon.

1 in 4 women will suffer a miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss before it's first birthday.
I am 1 in 4. After 7 years of trying to conceive, my daughter was stillborn in April 2015, and laid to rest on Easter Sunday. The grief is eternal and indescribable. I also suffered two miscarriages afterwards in April and August 2016.

Fly high, little angels.

Tags: Baby Breath, blue, cry, crying, cw, Fake Gutted Belly Pack, GA, grave, grief, loss, memorial, mourning, ooh la layers, PAIL, pink, remembrance, sad, tears, Weeping Angel Statue