Theme Supreme #1
by Who
Jan 22, 2015


About this Style
In this round, you are required to base your HA around the following theme: Pop Culture of 2014!
Inspired by Ethel Darling (The Bearded Lady) from AHS: Freak Show

Delish Awaken: #cb6e25 / #fea597 / #732001

Tags: American Horror Story, Argo Agent Orange, beard, Cece Kat, Curious Heart Ring, custom wearable, Donna Fake Lashes, Egyptian, Egyptian Princess Necklace, Fairy, freak, Freak Show, ginger, gold, GoldenRod Celebratory Stardust Hairband, hair salon, Jolly Snowlady Heels, Kathy Bates, Kathy freaking Bates, Maids Lipstick, Miniflowers, my eyes hurt, orange, Orange Body Glitter, Orange Plumeria Anklet, Orange Sheer Pantyhose, red, Red Asymetric Vest, Red Firework Patterned Skirt, Red Loose Patterned Vest, shes adorable, Snowlady Heels, Zoe Daydream