Meet my little friend!
by Libra
Jun 4, 2014


About this Style
You've seen those paint-by-number pages. It's fun to see what comes out of the jumble of lines and seemingly random shapes. For this contest, you will be doing something similar using your avatars. You will be given certain layers that you must incorporate and a certain number of items to use from those pre-specified layers. All other layers are free to be used however you wish, but the layers indicated must be exact to the layer limitations stipulated. No more, no less.

**This contest is used with the permission of Subeta user Mod, as she created it.**

Layer Stipulations
Bottom - 1
Body - 2
Head - 1
Ground - 1

Tags: 2014, black, black and red vagabond necklace, carved stone spider, chic, chic 2014, chic contest, chicbot, crittertar 2014, custom wearable, cw, dark shaman bone necklace, devo, fretful grooms loyal gift, gnawed rib bones, hair salon, halloween in June, mysterious pearl pauldrons, on a red black white kick lately don't mind me, oved, red, scary ha is scary, spooky, white