Through the Fire
by Cole
Apr 23, 2014

25 Adores


About this Style
CHIC's Anniversary Adventure
Heroes Restored
"Each partner must create an evolved version of the the other partner's avatar from Journey's Dawn. You must use the same base and at least one piece of clothing from their avatar."

My avatar is an evolved version of Let Me Be Your Hero. Poor guy didn't have time to hit the salon to touch up his highlights!

Reused Item:
Winsome Rogue Rapier

No CWs!

Hair Salon:
4f4133, 9d754d, 000000
Streaks 1 & 3 a35437

Tags: Bearskin Pelt Cloak, Brave Explorer, CHIC, CHIC 2014, CHIC cw free 2014, CHIC's Anniversary Adventure, Courageous Hero, Dark Ranger, Deep Sea, Essence of Manliness, Fancy Ruffled Blouse, hair salon, Heroes Restored, InVested Top, Sturdy Metal Ring, Survivors, Winsome Rogue, Zeal