Through the Broken Window
by Witchy
Mar 9, 2014


About this Style
cw/rainbow electronic smokes/gift
cw/gold petal crown of the divine
plain topaz cir4clet
cw/onyx petrova waves/jules
cw/sanguine charcoal pearl locks
cw/twilight rebel locks
cw/golden body flowers
cw/gold shoulder armor
cw/slinky golden trousers
cw/sandalwood gladiator stilettos
red lipstick
unusual grinning pumpkin
cw/dusty golden lace work eyeshadow
cw/stardust compact
holy warrior gemstone
cw/feral fox essence
cw/amorous dolly liquid makeup
cw/emergency body toner
cw/jockstrap of the galloping muscles
cw/heartbroken shard of glass/witch
magical floating globe

Tags: 2014, Adore Me, asp, background, black, crow, custom wear, cw, GA, gold, magic, March, Oh La Layers, raven, red, waa, wig, wig addict, witchy