A Touch of Lace
by dollipop
Mar 2, 2014


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It is not always based on how tight one's fist closes around the throats of one's enemies; nor is it determined by love, nor fame, nor fortune.

The toe of her suede pumps tap-tap-tapped on the tile as she waited with arms crossed and an eyebrow arched. They all squirmed in their seats, not one of them brave enough to speak before she did. It did not matter that she oozed disappointment; that their mistake needed to be explained. Twelve grown men, all rich executives, and not a single one had the stones to open his mouth and tell her how much money this debacle was costing her company.

She found she didn't mind though, and she smirked inwardly as she watched them sweat. This is what being in charge brought her - this is what power was all about.


Tags: Bag of Apricot Candy, custom wearable, custom wearables, CW, CWs, Forest Girl Glasses Case, lace, no GA