Miss Foster
by ARA
Feb 11, 2014


About this Style
Fun Fact!
My last name is Foster, and I kind of adore the way that "Miss Foster" sounds (when I was younger my mother taught for a few years, and hearing students call her that really clicked with me).
Using this as a free submission in my sixth CHIC application!

Fixed the nose and hair!
Hair: Demure
4b321e | 894f32 | 000000

Tags: Belted Chiffon Skirt, Brown Drill Cane, Delicate Antique Blossom Leggings, Delish Autumn Eyeshadow, Delish Mocha Lipstick, Elegant Ivory Ballroom Corset, Elegant Lady Pearl Earrings, Gear Wedding Ring, Hair: Hazard, InClover Elegrace Necklace, Ladys Fine Embroidered Bodice, Maids Lipstick, Maids Skirt, Marvelous Damsel Silk Top, Peachy Sunglow Bottle, Red Drill Cane, Rosie Beige Stockings, Savannah Magnolia Hosiery, Soggy Bookmark, Suave Temptress Heels, Super Sweet Waffle Cone Sun Hat, Yellow Sheer Pantyhose