by Cole
Nov 26, 2013


About this Style
CHIC Contest
Dress By Numbers
Face - 2 (Intricate Makeup Case, Delish Mocha Lipstick)
Shoulders - 2 (Arctic Fox Pelt, Azathoth Pauldrons)
Chest - 1 (Cinnabar Two-Tone Top)
Bottom - 1 (Apricot Circle Skirt)

I figured I would step way out of my comfort zone by trying to do something a little more fantasy. I really like how it came out! Almost a cross between a Stark and a Lannister....

CWs Used:
Arctic Fox Pelt - By fuzei_chan
Assassins Leather Armor - by Aerialure

Hair Salon:
e1c799, ffffff, 915d22

Tags: Arctic Fox Pelt, Assassins Leather Armor, Azathoth, CHIC, CHIC Contest, Circle Skirt, CW, Delish Mocha, Dress By Numbers, fight club, hair salon, Innocent Sovereign, Intricate Makeup Case, Lost Schoolboy, Red Death, Shimmer, Vanity Acorn