Dried Roses
by jila
Jan 2, 2010

50 Adores 25 Adores


About this Style
the first thing i did when the sagittarius hair piece came out was try to match it on arvee. my default testing hair on arvee is the cutie style, and it ended up working out almost perfectly (a rarity!). i like how much spikier it made the hair 8D

and thx to dylan for the opinion on whether or not i should use the shoulder roses. i would have never been able to make a decision by myself 'A'

Tags: 2010, black, brass, buckles, burgundy, chic, chicbot, cutie, eyeshadow, flower, Full Sagittarius Hair Piece, Genetech Digital Cornea, gold, kiss of aphrodite, lace, mauve, no GA, pink, punky, purple, Sagittarius Hair Piece, salon, sheer