Exquisite Horror
by Cole
Oct 30, 2013


About this Style
“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.”
Edgar Allan Poe

Poe is one of my favorite authors and what better time of year to do a tribute?

P.S. That ghost background looks so much better on a white page. Grrr.

CW Used:
High Functioning Sociopath Curls - by Raum
Black Handlebar Moustache - by Shalashaka

Thanks for the lend!!

Tags: Beauty, Black Handlebar Moustache, Bootlegger, Calavera Bride, CHIC, cosplay, CW, Delish Pi, Edgar Allan Poe, High Functioning Sociopath Curls, Poe, Raven Talisman, Suit, Symphoni Nacht DesireDenial Ravencrest, Trenchcoat, tribute