Staying Home
by Witchy
Oct 16, 2013


About this Style
elephant deity gold necklace
stray spider web
mysterious moon collar
cw/bored ho wine glass/witch
so sweet cinnamon gloss
gold and pearl headdress
cw/vermillion twist of the morostide reveler/
cw/ruby victorian bolero/fuzi-chan
desolate chestplate
giselle as good as pincusion skirt
rainyday tropical lipstick
holy warrior gemstone
crowley quill
cw/nebula heels/
cw/savannah magnolia hosiery/
rosie beige stockings
cw/amorous dolly liquid makeup/fuzi-chan
cw/emergency body toner
cw/jockstrap of the galloping muscles
cw/consulting detectives friend/

Tags: asp, background, custom wear, morostide, waa, wig, witchy