Grrr... argh!
by Cole
Sep 26, 2013


About this Style
CHIC's Branching Out
Make It Work!
Create a HA with a hard to use item.

I selected the Ice King Pelt simply because it's pretty awesome, with the whole bear on the head thing. c:

This was really challenging but I think I handled it well.

CWs Used:
Style File Studded and Spiked Boots - fuzei_chan
Dangerously Torn Charcoal Tights - styx

Hair Salon:
e7e3d7, ffffff, 7e736c

Tags: Argo Blackout, Bamm, Branching Out, CHIC, CW, Dangerously Torn Charcoal Tights, Dark Shaman, GRRR!!!, hair salon, Haunted Crystal, Ice King Pelt, layers!, Sackcloth Bodice, SHEERTASTIC!, Snowfairy Stockings, Style File Studded and Spiked Boots, super pale