Cumaean Sibyl
by Karmilla
Jul 17, 2013


About this Style
This is my entry for the Chic Summer Camp "Child's Play" contest, "Puppet Show" round:

"The path takes you through a forest, and for quite some time it seems easy going. However, you notice that the trees are growing thicker and darkness is settling in around you. Things certainly would go faster with a lantern to light your way and perhaps even a horse. Up ahead you spot a farm house where an old woman seems to be attempting to calm several unruly children; you ask her if she has the much needed supplies, but she insists on a trade. If you can tell a story that will settle the children down, she'll give you whatever you need. She points to a small puppet stage, and you quickly set to work, unrolling a backdrop and weaving a tale that keeps the children completely enthralled."

Being in Cabin Glitterati, i had to use the Deep Sea Rock to make my avatar...
I was inspired by this myth for my background story cause it is one of my favourites :) (i'm from Naples, so the Sibyl is sorta a fellow citizen :P)

Tags: blonde, Cabin Glitterati, CHIC Camp, CHIC Camp 2013, CHIC Summer Camp, CHIC Summer Camp 2013, Child's Play, Deep Sea Rock, Glitterati, Hair Salon, no CWs, no GA, Ooh La Layers, Puppet Show, teal, turquoise