Paint By Numbers
by CelticRain
Jul 14, 2013


About this Style
Chic Summer Camp 'Paint By Numbers' entry.

"You realize that you must get home, but the only way to get there is to reach the castle you see in the distance. However, as you make your way through the town something strange starts to happen. All the color is draining from the world around you, and all over things are beginning to freeze. You discover that you must add more color to your wardrobe to break free of this spell; following a guide tucked into your pocket you quickly change, and each step you take now helps return the color to the path in front of you."

Due Date: July 15th 11:59 pm Subeta time
Now that you have found your guide it's time to prepare your outfit!! You must use the appropriate number of items for each color listed for your Cabin when you create your look. You may use additional colors, but make sure you have all required items in your look as well.

A couple of notes about what counts:
An item has to be more than 75% the required color in order for it to count.
Salon Hair, Wigs, Eyes, and Makeup do not count.
If you are using sheers, only the resulting color counts. For instance: You can't use blue pantyhose, and count it as a blue item, if the legs don't end up looking blue once you've finished with all your layering. On the flip side, if you use multiple sheers of the same color, you may only count them once.

I am with Cabin Catty:

Catty - 3 Teal/Turquoise and 2 Cream/Tan

Note: This challenge works just like Dress By Numbers, so if you are required to have 2 red items you may only have 2 red items, not 1 and not 3.

Tags: Cabin Catty, Camp Chic, Catty, Chic Summer Camp, Chic Summer Camp 2013, Cream, Paint By Numbers, Teal, Turquoise