Sidonie Drill-Dark Side
by Witchy
Jun 12, 2013


About this Style
backup dirk
steamwork wrist pistol
leafeather starlight circlet
high elf delicate silver tiara
hawthorn shuriken
silver pirate earloops
fae ear model II
delish bask lipgloss
cw/assassins leather armor/aeiralure
cw/steel claw of the wolf/rapunzel
dark matter-imbued crystal
rainyday nebula necklace
blue buttoned half jacket
cw/oxblood tangled guitar strings/luscious
giselle kinky love boots
vanity blues pants
pink survival scrap cloth
fashion police socks
cw/cute gothic brush/anniemae
holy warrior gemstone
crowley quill
cw/amorous dolly liquid makeup/fuzei-chan
cw/feral fox essence/fuzei-chan
cw/emergency body toner/roar

Tags: Cabin Sidonie, CabinSidonie, Camp Chic, ChicSummerCamp, customwear, cw, sidonie, Summer Camp, SummerCamp, waa, witchy