naomi campbell: warrior princess
by beyonce
Dec 10, 2012


About this Style
She had journeyed a long way, but the smell of her enemy was so fresh she knew the wretch wasn't far. She may have had the last word, but that wasn't enough for her.

"Do you even know Gianni Versace?"

Naomi Campbell chuckled in delight at her own wit, yet she knew her true shining moment was yet to come. She would make sure her enemy would feel the ice for real this time. All the smizing in the world wouldn't save her.

As she waited for her foe, she practiced her attacks on a small tree. The frozen tree did not stand up to the angry supermodel's furious spear strikes. Looking at what was now a pile of splinters, Naomi felt a presence nearby. She heard the sharp snap of a branch and turned toward the sound only to see her foe emerge from the shadows.


Tags: get the damn tree, shameless christmas shindig, statement, where is my pulitzer prize