Jungle Fever
by dyl4n
Jun 16, 2012

25 Adores

1 comment

About this Style
this was created to fulfill the final degree of the chic summer camp event, and i chose to represent earth.

originally i wanted to do a human version of a tree, a really old, pissed off woman which is why i used the wrinkly shaman eyes and i tried to incorporate natural, bark-y type textures but ultimately i found that to be too difficult.
i really wanted to use the sea artifact thing cos it makes me think of moss, and the puffpuff was a continuation from my Harajuku av. i'm really pleased with the way the skirt looks like it has moss on it aswell, but the feet definitely gave me a hard time. ~____~

so...i guess this would be my interpretation of a wood sprite? lol.
/end rant