by Kiarae
May 10, 2012

Style File: Inspiration Contest Participant

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About this Style
With the competition going on, I finally found a reason to tackle the Katniss HA I'd been longing to make for some time.

Having watched the movie before reading the books, my mental image got solidified on Katniss before I had the chance to imagine her through the books. While I enjoyed her portrayal in the movie (albeit amidst a very shaky camera), now that I've read the book, I kind of wanted to try my hand at creating her as if I hadn't seen the movie at all. I felt that she should have been tougher than she appeared, thus why this version has ended up with a bit of an edge compared with her movie counterpart. For me, she matches more to the movie somehow, or maybe this is how she'll appear in films to come? I haven't read the books past the first and the next isn't out for a while.

Ok, done talking now...

Tags: May 2012, sfFilm