Extreme Daffodil
by spiderman143swife
May 4, 2012


About this Style
A Daffodil Movement HA I made. I am IN LOVE with her face. It makes me happy.

As hot as it has been here lately I feel like I could rock that outfit IRL... This is one "spring" I could seriously chop off my hair X: I'm just afraid of how short it would be by next year though. /does not want short wedding hairs.

Tags: Black Strappy Sandals, Custom Wear, Custom Wearable, Daffodil Hair pin, Delish Statement Mascara, Gray Aye Eye Winged Liner, Green Mini Nail Polish, Green Uncomforatably Short Shorts, Limited Edition Delish Raven Lipstick, Relativly Simple Golden Wedding Ring, Skew Green Cut, Sui Apricot Blush, Sui Black Eyeshadow, Yellow Lacy Camisole, Yellow Plumeria Anklet