Winsome TerraFluff
by Illyena
Mar 30, 2011


About this Style
So, while chatting in IRC last night, I wanted to make a new HA, but needed inspiration. @Mod said to use The Winsome Rogue Gun Holsters and @Princess said to use the Peach Fluffmuffs, at exactly the same time! So, of course, I felt obligated to use both. Mod loaned me the guns and I didn't have the fluffmuffs, so princess said I could use one of the two I did have. Then, as I was creating this masterpiece (as if it wasn't awesome enough /sarcasm), @Blaze said I should totally use a Terracoontail Hat, as well. And just when I thought I was done, I remembered that I still needed a mask so I could dance. FML. This is the brainchild created from that combination. Also, my first ever male HA!

I'm not sure whether to hate those three for putting me through this or love them because of the HA that came out of it. I'll get back to y'all on that.

Tags: I dun wanna