Only Girl
by Delight
Feb 20, 2011


About this Style
Idk if that's a Rihanna reference or a SuJu ref. take your pick.
Can I ask a question? Well. I'm going to. What's so wrong about a girl having short hair?
I have short hair, not as short as this av's but still short (to eventually grow into this) and just.
I get made fun of or false-judged all the fucking time.
The girl I linked to above is a gorgeous Chinese girl and kpop idol named Amber. She gets mistaken for a boy all the time, and now, so do I. Can you not tell by someone's facial features what gender they are? I understand with Amber that she may not have the most girly face, but she doesn't look entirely like a guy either.
And I surely don't. I have a very feminine face yet I've gotten confused for a boy a lot...
a lesbian.
What is it about having short hair that automatically means you are only interested in girls? I myself am straight, but there are always rumors in my school saying I'm bisexual or a lesbian. Why? Because of my short hair.
It's so annoying.
It's just a style choice.
It's easier to manage.
It's being different.

One of my major biases likes girls with long hair, and because of that I was going to grow it out but I thought fuck that.

It means something to me to have short hair. It proves that I'm not like everyone else, and Idgaf about people are going to say.
I'm not butch or any stereotypes for girls with short hair. I can be very girly, I love dresses but never wear them and just...ugh.

I love Amber for not following the crowd or changing herself to be what everyone thinks is 'pretty' or 'normal' in Korea.

I keep my hair short because it shows we're okay with being ourselves.

I keep my hair short for my mom, who had cancer and has very short hair despite how much my dad hates short hair on women.

I keep my hair short because
I fucking look good.

Not because I'm a lesbian.
Not because I secretly wish to be a boy.

But because I want to.