Roll Over Beethoven
by Tribunal
Feb 10, 2011


About this Style
I really liked a lot of the paintings, but especially the Warhol, and I've seen a version of it in real life so that made it stand out to me as well.

Anyways, I like Warhol's take of 'life, but different and more interesting' so I decided to take the pallet and outfit and make a modern take, trying to be as normal as possible despite the pallet c: It was a challenge, faces look really weird on pink :p

I also liked the colored etch of the jacket and tried to show that some in the legs.

AND finally, watching Beethoven Lives Upstairsevery single year in music class makes me associate Beethoven with little school boys, lol! That's totally my excuse for her looking schoolboyish c:

Tags: hair salon, sfArt, simple, tanning salon