by Xanxus
Dec 21, 2010

1 comment

About this Style

I was playing SoulSilver and as I was getting massacred by Karen's Houndoom I noticed the skull collar and it made me think of the dark shaman necklace. So I did this.

He looks like some snobby demon prince or something I love it.

Tags: argo red alert translucent gloves, black, black devil tail, black formal gloves, bloodred gloves, bone, buzzcut, counts collared cape, crimson, dark shaman bone necklace, donna flats, fireside performance red rreign thumb claws, flashback wild one bracelets, gothic aristocrat jabot, ivory, male, plain red sleeved shirt, pokemon, rainyday light sandals, red, red cloth belt, red ribbon anklets, sway, tight black pants, transparent gold halter, transparent ruby halter, white, zodiak aries ram horns