by Musica
Dec 7, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Do you believe in anything?
Do you carry it around just to burn things down?

You're a voice that never sings, is what I say. You were freezing over hell.

Why does SF bbcode never work for me, ever? 8| I think it's a myth.

Brand New. <3 Maaaan, I love the Killdeer so hard but never got around to using it until now. :c Some colors are off, but oh well. 8) I reaaally like how it looks over all. Badass warrior chick plz.

Tags: argo red alert, autie, boots, brand newspiration, brown, gold, gun, I can see your soul with these eyes, killdeer, my rach knows I'm fine, red, sexy shoulder sling you turn me on so hard, SR, they tried to make me go to bangle rehab but I said noooo no no, weapon, wig, yellow