by Jacqueline
Dec 3, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
I'm really starting to like these eyes 8D Anyways, I realized that I hadn't used any of my hibiscus barrettes yet, so I picked my favorite and voila!

Tags: aphrodite, archduchess, argyle stockings, black, black sheer pantyhose, builder, buster, cabochon ring, delish pi, ganguro, gayle, gothic fleur de lis charm, gray, hibiscus barrette, high cummerbund, lililace allclassedup, lunar, misery lotus anti, nautilus shell with pearls, ooh la layers, pearl anklet, plaid capris pants, plain waist corset, purple, roq candy turvey, salon, SR, sui blush, sweetykin, white, wilob