Look At Her
by ache
Dec 1, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
With her smile like a flame.

I love these colors sososo much. I think I actually use them more often than the mustard-like color. Also, could I please have this hair in real life?


Tags: ankle wraps, archduke, argo, argo blackout, black lacy corset, delish, delish autumn, handyman bell, high elf, high-waisted shorts, laced leggings, mariachi ankle boots, pearl buttoned black boots, pi, pixie powder, plas-tek, plas-tek powered armor alternate carapace, professor new, professor new krown, rachel why are you tagging this, rosey chapeau, sheer pantyhose, sr, succubus, sui, sui pinkish blush, sweet lolita, vintage rose hair piece