Above and Below
by beyonce
Nov 25, 2010


About this Style
she's all skylike and then the trident made me think of water

yeah idk what this is
but i like it

kee ihu for making me not want to use that headguard because you rocked it so hard

yay i love this

Tags: aquamarine, argo, argo blackout, bidoof battle brigade, biscotti, black, boots, button-up leggins, cabochon ring, chic, chicbot, elegant oriental, flashback wild one, frilly, green, handcuffs, heels, lace-up boots, leggings, light blue clown ankle wrappings, mariachi ankle boots, perry is an asshole, ring, silver, slip, summer top, sway, teal, trident, turquoise, weapon, winged headguard, wings