by Jacqueline
Oct 18, 2010

50 Adores 25 Adores


About this Style

Way to go Jackie, this has nothing even close to the color celadon in it. 8D I reaaaaaaaaally wanted to incorporate the kimono because Erika wears one.

This is my 150th saved HA! how awesome is that.

Tags: argo blackout, black, blue, braids, broad empire belt, calavera bride, deluxe tea set, fairy, flirty miniskirt, giselle rosebud, green, henna, jazz-age forher, kanto gyms, mariachi, multi-strand anklet, ooh la layers, pink, pixie, plain waist corset, pokemon, rainyday light, salon, satin kimono, sheer pantyhose, SR, sui eyeshadow