by Jacqueline
Oct 14, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style

I wanted to use the fin cuffs and nautilus shell together and it was kind of hard. :c I'm not totally pleased with how it came out (fml white is annoying to match), but yeah.

I didn't have much inspiration for this one, I just tried to use colors commonly seen on water pokemon.

Tags: argo blackout, blue, dark shaman, delish mocha, dew atlantica, high elf, high-waisted satin shorts, kanto gyms, maid, moppet, nautilus shell with pearls, ooh la layers, orange, pixie, pokemon, purple, roq candy turvey, sackcloth bodice, salon, sheer pantyhose, SR, sui eyeshadow, tiered necklace, torn stockings, white