by Blaze
Oct 12, 2010


About this Style
this is like
i cant get it right. so close, just not quite there

ANYWAY this is a contest entry for spookfest in my cult! challenge was to use the pumpkin lantern thing.

comment/crit to hell!

[i]she's like
a secret gardian. you never see her, but she sees you. she's not good or evil, she just is.[/i]

Tags: azathoth waist tunic, blazing sandals, calavera bride tattered skirt, choker of the waves, coal mole, colonial waist tie, dark shaman tooth belt, decayed sackcloth bodice, delish mocha lipstick, high elf silver flowing cloak, misery lotus skankpop vii, orange sheer pantyhose, oxidized bronze masquerade gear mask (left half), rainyday light eyeliner, strands of honey colored hair, underling decorative cinch, underling gold choker, vined pumpkin lantern, viqueen jewelry, white sheer pantyhose, whiteout, wildman leopard claw, yellow sheer pantyhose