Eye of the Tiger
by Nic
Sep 16, 2010


About this Style
Another Crittertar! This one was way more challenging because the tiger is so big. I figured the key was to chose colors that compliment the tiger as opposed to matching it. The biggest challenge next to color was the fact that this tiger is huge, and so I had to keep removing him and putting him back on.

The current goal is to break my formulaic streak. So, no sheers, no black, no denimz, no lite brite color scheme. The lack of really cute brown shoes and the fact that boots suited this so well led me to use the boots, but at least they aren't black. Also, look bare legs!

Thanks to Ophelia for the title, and Mega for the eye color tweak that really sets this off.


Green Goddess

Tags: 2010, Box of Fairy Dust, chic, CHICbot, Crittertar, GA, Hair Salon, Maid and Butler, No Black, OLL, Pirate Chest, September 2010, set