by Blaze
Sep 12, 2010

1 comment

About this Style
i know this shoe layering is all faux-pas now but i dont think ive ever used it, and i really needed some not-too-high-on-the-leg-but-not-too-flat footwork here.

this jacket is sofuckingcute

ECE0BD, FBF0CA, B69E84 streaks ECE0BD

Tags: argo blackout ornament, black ruffled top, boy band necklaces, delish mocha lipstick, delish mocha makeup, donna flats, flashback material girl costume beads, flower girl jacket, hair salon, lililace dekonstrukted smudge makeup, mariachi boots, pink sheer pantyhose, pixie arm ties, rainyday rainstorm wrap, red death stockings, red sheer pantyhose, ring of fire ward, vampire hunter jewelry, wilob