Laura, I don't hate you because you're fat
by beyonce
Sep 1, 2010


About this Style
you're fat because i hate you

k this is my official return
a lot sooner than i'd thought

i'm actually really happy c:
ilu guys okay

tysm for the nice comments on Memory, they really did make me feel warm and fuzzy omg <3333333

dear god this boy is so fabulous amirite

ty taryn forlending the wig

Tags: 5 dolla holla, bidoof battle brigade, biscotti, black, blonde, blue, cache, capricorn, denim, fabulous, flats, freckles, high-waisted satin shorts, jeans, male, mean girls, pixie, pixie powder, plain, platinum blonde, red, roq candy turvey, salon, simple, simplistic flats, slut, sweater, tobias, vest, white, whore, wilob