High Speed
by Penguinhoarder
Aug 16, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
I don't really care if it ~doesn't match~ I like the colors. Plus there's like.. mini-gradients, which are pretty. I like gradients.

Also the fairy lipgloss is my crack. I use it in virtually every HA x:

Tags: ankle wraps, aquamarine, black, blind wig, bow, braids, brue, cummerbund, donna flats, elf, fairy lipgloss, gray, halter top, i almost used the archduchess ring but i didn't cause this ring looks good with the stockings, mariachi boots, piercing, pink, purple, ring, salon, sea green, sheer, sheer socks, simle, slashed shirt, snakebites, stockings, unoriginal foot layering fo sure, yup