by Fayren
Jul 10, 2010


About this Style
I've had this one sitting around for about four months now. I was sooo happy when the Colonial trunk came out because it gave me the perfect pale yellow/blue necklace to use. I've finally gotten around to wearing it now.

Tags: archduchess, archduchess chemise, blue, brown, calavera, calavera bride, calavera bride lace belt, colonial, dusty brown, ethereal, ethereal lunar, ethereal lunar belt, faded, faded brown, feathers, feet henna kit, freckles, GA, gold, gray brown, grey brown, henna, lolita, maid, maids skirt, Ooh La Layers, pale gold, pale yellow, pixie, pixie powder, rainyday, rainyday light, rainyday light arm warmers, red, sweet lolita, sweet lolita lipgloss, white, yellow