by Luxe
Nov 5, 2009

1 comment

About this Style
This is pretty much a remix of O82 and the same inspiration applies. I have this shirt I bought from Aeropostale and I absolutely loved the color scheme. After trying to make it with minimal white (see O82), I determined that my problem was that I was trying to wear a skirt, which left too much empty space on my legs.

Im still not satisfied and Ill probably try this again. I dont like that I traded the original hot pink for this baby pink. I also think it needs more pink on the ankles, which I cant provide.

All in all, I like this better than O82, but Im not satisfied.

Tags: archduchess, archduke, baby pink, box of fairy dust, burgundy, calavera bride, crime boss costume trunk, donna, dusty rose, fairy, flowers, hime, odd inspiration, pearls/beads, pink, plum, regal costume trunk, ribbons, salon, strange skull candle, stripes, sweet lolita, sweet ribbon purse, uffles