by Witchy
May 24, 2015


About this Style
Black & Blue
For this challenge, you are to pick one shade of blue, and stick to it! The only neutral you can use? Black (and you must use it!). ;3 Have fun!

This is due by May 29 @ 11:59:59PM

Tags: 2015, adventure, aglegend, aradia, asp, baba yaga, bedlam, Befana, bewitch, black, chaos, companion, custom wear, cw, Czarina, demon, dimensions, Diva, empress, enchantment, enchantress, fury, goddess, gold, hecate, hedge witch, high, holiday, house of witches, isis, lore, mage, magic, May, May 2015, mayham, minions, mischief, nevermore, queen, queen of space cadets, queen of wind and woe, rainbow, red, ruler, shaman, silver, silver legends, siren, soreceress, space, space cadet, spell, time, time portal, Tsarina, valkyrie, vampire, waa, wayward squirrel, white, wicked, wig, wig addict, wind, wind and woe, witch, WITCHY, witchywomen, wizard, woe, wolves