Pop It!
by Christopher
Jan 7, 2015

1 comment

About this Style
Like a wheelie should

Wardrobe DJ
Oftentimes, art begets even more art. In this contest, you will be given a song to listen to. Your task is to think about what the song means to you; how it makes you feel. Base an avatar around this song and and the feelings it invokes in you. Please include a short description of what inspired your entry and how you show this in your avatar.

We are doing it a little bit different this round... YOU get to decide what song to use! This round's theme is... Your favorite song of 2014. It MUST have been released or gotten really popular that year. include a link to the song with your entry along with the name of song and the artist.

I went with the infectious Pop It by Anamanaguchi!

Tags: challenge-tar, chic, chic 2015, nglts, wardrobe dj