Brand New Me
by Cole
Sep 22, 2014


About this Style
With a new name, comes a new look!
Plus, the fall weather is starting to seep into Georgia and I want to pretend it's cooler here than it really is. I'm ready for fall!

CWs Used:
Beary Adorable Scarf - by Vela for
Romantic Vintage Oxfords - by Vela
Camp CHIC Sidonie Sea Salt Spray - by DieselPunk for CHIC

Tags: Beary Adorable Scarf, BrightEyes Contacts, Camp CHIC Sidonie Sea Salt Spray, CHIC, CHIC 2014, CW, Foxprints Sweater, Professor New Old-Skool, Retro Kitten, Romantic Vintage Oxfords, Vanity Prime