21O - Stark
by Luxe
Jan 31, 2014


About this Style
I'm still having a hard time getting back into avatars (IDK, maybe the super slow wardrobe has something to do with it...), so I think if I try to work a theme, it will help. A Song of Ice and Fire, anyone? I was going for the grays and blacks of House Stark without using anything obvious, but I think I threw in a little bit of the Night's Watch too.

Tags: A Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, anechka sheepish, ASoIaF, aye eye, beauty, black, box of turkish delight, costume trunk, custom, custom clothing, custom wearables, custom wears, customs, CWs, darksidemale, delish new, enchanted castle playlet, Game of Thrones, GoT, gray, gypsy skirt, hazel uneven, House Stark, low heels, moldy opera trunk, salon, silver, silver baroque corset, snow queen, spiraling silver corset, Stark