Double Dog Dare
by Cole
Jan 6, 2014


About this Style
CHIC Contest
Retro Remix
Use the Giselle Kinkylove Corset

Nic Double Dog Dared me to make a male HA with it. ;)

CWs Used:
Sheer Sparkle Tights - by Tartlette
Lacerated Skinny Jeans - by Styx
Catalyst A104b Timepiece - by Tania for Troll

Hair Salon:
282853, 3d3ddf, 140b1e
Streaks 1 & 7 903a67

Tags: boytar, Catalyst A104b Timepiece, CHIC, CHIC Contest, CW, Decked, Delish Pi, Flashback Wild One, Goodboy, Goodboy Pork Pie, hair salon, Lacerated Skinny Jeans, male HA, Retro Remix, Sheer Sparkle Tights, Sliver Ribbed and Sheered Corset Top, Soft Leather Jacket, Sougara Nero, Tribal Fisher, Warm Blue