Bad-ass Birthday
by kurloz
Jan 1, 2010


About this Style
Artist of the Capricorn wig: you own my soul.

My first HA in 2010 (that I'm happy with, anyway)! I've decided to dub it as my birthday HA as well, since it's only a day away and this is using my zodiac sign wig and some of my favorite items. c:

Tags: 2010, archduchess, birthday, black, black lacy corset, blonde, buns, calaca groom, calaca groom tattered shirt, capricorn, cream, crosses, full capricorn hair piece, horns, ink dipped needle, January 2010, kiss of aphrodite, mariachi, pack of scars, pixie powder, ribbon, ripped, scars, silver, snow queen, snow queen eyeshadow, SR, torn, twist lip piercing, vampire hunter jewelry, zodiac