Have fun storming the castle!
by Cole
Jul 19, 2013


About this Style
CHIC Summer Camp 2013
Child's Play
Building Blocks
Create a HA with the prompt provided by the cabin leader.
Soleil must use: Dark Ochre Cowboy Boots, Loose Lacy Vest, and Dark Shady-Shades

I issued an additional mini challenge, to include a weapon.

CWs Used:
Skinny Lacerated Jeans - styx
Bleeding Ink Hosiery - Aerialure
*This hosiery is perfect for layering to create muted colors. I use it so much for that!

Hair Salon:
624942, bf994b, 1e1616

Tags: Bale, Bleeding Ink Hosiery, Bold Rule, Building Blocks, Cabin Soleil, CHIC, CHIC Summer Camp 2013, Crude Energized Blasters, CW, Dark Ochre Cowboy Boots, Dark Shady-Shades, hair salon, Loose Lacy Vest, Skinny Lacerated Jeans