The Fool
by Cole
Apr 25, 2013


About this Style
CHIC Shindig
In The Cards

Our challenge was to select a tarot card that we felt best described ourselves and then our partner was to make a HA inspired by that card.

Rapunzel's card:
The Fool

Important Symbols:
White Rose - The purity of innocence
Small Bag - Impulsiveness, spontaneous
Small Dog Following - Worries of real life nipping at the heels

How this represents Emily:
She is very spontaneous and likes to live life in the moment. She is more of a leap first and worry about the consequences later. Also, since she is studying to be an early childhood educator, she finds that striving for a child-like innocence helps her to see her world through the eyes of a child.

I hope I have fully covered what the tarot card meant to her. I know it was an added bonus that she is a brunette with brown eyes. ;)

CWs Used:
Double Brunette Braids - jerk/ass/styx (whatever she is going by, I can't remember)
Dawn Vintage Oxfords - Vela (how would I live without these shoes?)

Thank you for the lends HERO and Sugary <3

Tags: CHIC, CHIC Shindig 2013, CW, Dawn Vintage Oxfords, Delish Bask, Dog Treat Dispenser, Double Brunette Braids, Gayle, In The Cards, Shindig 2013, Vantiy Lily, White Roseband